Tuesday, July 7, 2015

MELT MY ♥ Daily Dose - Psalms 43:2-3 - Jesus Take the Wheel

MELT MY ♥ Daily Dose - Psalms 43:2-3 (NLT)
2 For you are God, my only safe haven.  Why have you tossed me aside?
Why must I wander around in grief, oppressed by my enemies?
3 Send out your light and your truth;  let them guide me.
Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live.

The mysteries in life...  When you have done all that you thought would lead you to a fulfilled life in Christ yet you still feel overwhelmed, lost, unaccomplished, stressed.  You feel like a failure, with the walls caving in on you, you keep asking yourself where did I go wrong?   You wake up tired, unmotivated to do anything, you feel like you are just surviving and not LIVING. What do you do in this situation, drive yourself nuts? Sick, depressed?  NOT!
Fight through this Bros & sisters.  Have a warrior spirit in you.  Declare that you are free!  This is not your final destination it is only a journey in life. I am not downplaying your situation trust me I am also there!  It is the most difficult and frustrating place to be in life, you have got to fight through and declare that you are a Winner.  You have to turn these circumstances over to God and trust that He is in control.  He said it and it will be established in your life in Jesus name.
How do you turn things over to God? Start by making the choice and declaring your resolve by saying, 'Father, I choose to let You be God in this situation. I take my hands off. I trust You.'  Today, take the pressure off yourself and turn things over to God. Give Him control and let Him take your setbacks and turn them into comebacks. Remember, the God who holds the universe holds you in the palm of His hand. Trust Him and let God be God in every area of your life, Let him take the steering wheel this time, keep your hands off.  Listen and obey ♥ 

The below is a great inspirational song by Grammy award Singer Carrie Underwood, 'Jesus Take the Wheel,' Enjoy!

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